Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I would be remiss in my postings, if I did not mention my impression of the inauguration today. I watched it. Wow, they can really fill the time on the major networks, can't they? There was coverage in the morning, before the inauguration, and I thought after the ceremony, the coverage would come to a close. Nope. Had to cover the caravan out! And talk, and talk, and talk.
I was really pleased to see a nice little composition included in the ceremony this morning (Yo-Yo Ma!). It's good to get some of the arts out there, with all the world watching! And yeah, Obama's speech wasn't bad, either.
As for his words... I love the NYT coverage. Lots of cool interactive-media-type stuff. For example, a graphic of what words were used most during the speech. Early on he used the phrase, "... subject to data and statistics." That got my attention. He also said, "... we will restore science to its rightful place." Hooray! You mean, as a source of (objective) (facts) and un-spun, non-political information? We can only hope. Understanding the link between scientific research and public policy is in itself an entire discipline.

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