Thursday, January 15, 2009

art + science mash-up

A quick google search found the following*:

"The Future of Science... Is Art?" was the headline of an article today in SEED magazine. I read it and kept smiling to myself. What a call to arms! I need to tuck this article away... full of threads for me to explore. But I still feel... how? How can we do a mash up of art + science in a meaningful and productive way, that does not feel forced or contrived? There is a lot of science in artmaking, what about art in science...

Art & Science Collaborations, Inc.
I always feel conflicted when trying to combine art and science, and yet I am always drawn to ideas similar to those espoused by ASCI.
I do not know where I fit in this kind of group... I am both a scientist (in the making) and an artist (sometimes). I don't use science to inform my art though, and I don't make science-y art. I just happen to thoroughly enjoy and gain fulfillment from both practices. I suppose I enjoy drawing the human form, but even then, I prefer abstraction and the old-school use of the body as a metaphor for human existence in general, or an allegory, even. I don't particularly like the idea of taking an unmodified image of something in the natural world and presenting it as a kind of contemporary art. I just can't help seeing the bacteria or diatom only. Yup, that's a microorganism.

* The first site pulled up was a hair salon based out of Chicago.

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