Friday, April 01, 2005

just missed March

All right. I almost got it in there. I'm almost 100% sure that there are only three people who look at this blog. Which is exactly what I want. I'm really only sure of myself, and Amy. I added a third in there to account for any error in my judgement. Speaking of errors in judgement, Lee and I recently aquired two young long-haired dachshunds. Cutest dogs in the world, but basically we've decided they're yappers and poop machines. Cutest yappers and poop machines in the world, though. Dylan is the red and Rocky is the black. Very handsome, and really sweet personalities. Well, Dylan's a momma's boy and Rocky, I am sure, is plotting how to do us in and take over the neighborhood.
Who knew. Now we are dog people. We spend ridiculous amounts of money on rawhide and odor neutralizers. I'm sure this is all to fill my mothering insticts. Or perhaps to eradicate them.
It's not all bad. In fact, it's mostly good. When Lee or I get angry, we go and give ourselves a time out and have a cookie. Then we put on the zookeeper hat and clean out the mudroom, whistling happily all the while.
Dogs. Like the commercial, Dogs Rule. Once you get that, the world makes a little more sense somehow.
And in the professional sphere... just trying to get that Master's degree. Lee's already started. I'm getting things together. We'll see how this goes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

feelin' down and out

Sigh.. just kind of have the blahs. Of course, after reading some of sedmikraska's blog spot, well, that cheered me up plenty. How often do I laugh out loud at work? Things are really not bad right now. I'm taking prep classes for the GRE, and I'm determined to do well. Lee and I are going to drive out to Kerrville to meet some potential adoptees-- dachshunds, two of them. It's Wednesday, got my tea, about to have lunch. The weather has been like early spring.. damp, not cold, even a little warm now and then. Monday was gorgeous, and Lee and I impulsively went to eat and have margaritas at Jorge's.. my limit is 2. Which sounds pathetic, but I think they're getting the tequila from an unlabeled bottle with blue tape on it (actually did shots from a bottle like this.. home grown?).. Anyway, the things are tough on me. And I had 2 1/2 Monday, which meant I started talking and didn't shut up for hours, laughing and doing things that I absolutely had no recollection of the next day. Ah well. Way to start the week!
Not sure where the blahs are coming from.. maybe I'm just hungry??

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

which describes how you're feeling all the time...

All right.. a January 2005 post! Akemashita omedetou!
This is a good sign. Once again, spurred on by Amy's encouragement, I write. Really, by her inspiration, as usual. I'm going to have to get some pictures posted soon. Let's see, what is new...
Last month, I went with Lee and his parents and brother to Belize. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, really. I tried SCUBA. Which, if you recall, stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. It's something that is so wonderful and exciting to do, I would encourage anyone physically capable, to try it. But keep in mind, once you try it, you may find yourself making plans to become a certified diver. And then, all of your vacations will become tropical ones (around the 18 degree latitude). At least, that's what's happened to me and Lee. We want to be divers! It reminded me of my childhood love of the ocean. If it's possible that something like that can be passed down through the generations, then I can say I inherited it from both my grandparents in Japan and in Texas.
This year will be an interesting year. Also planned for the near future, is the adoption of a couple of dachshund pups (hopefully).
Then the GRE, and then applications to grad schools. And then Lee is also wanting a career change, not to mention his pursuit of a Master's in Aviation Science.
2005... here's to the New Year.