Monday, October 25, 2004

I'm trying to at least post one entry a month.. so we'll see how long this works. I don't get online at work for fun that much. I actually do many work-related activities online, such as create purchase documents for our department. Pretty boring. Usually the highlight of my day is getting out of the office. At least I have some natural light from a window, twice removed. And no annoying buzzing sound across the hall anymore.
I want to do something completely different, though. I am taking a chemistry class right now (again, I should say) and I'm really enjoying it. Although it makes me want to paint even more. I think the tighter the schedule I have, the more inclined I am to work in painting into the week. I'm signed up and have started a correspondence-based ecology class, which I have been really looking forward to. However I think I will drop it and wait until next semester to take printmaking. I also want to learn French or (re-learn) Spanish... just to keep my options open.
We may be leaving the country again...

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