Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And then what...?

I am days away from participating in a ceremony declaring my completion of a Master of Science degree. Hooray. Parents and in-laws will be here, the town will be crowded with other people's parents and in-laws, the ceremony will last several hours, awkward smiles, tired feet, funny hats... the whole shebang.
And then what...? Need to finish manuscript no.2, maybe get more sequence data, think about Ph.D. programs, and JOBS.
And then what...?
Immediate future: bake sugar cookies.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

There's no crying in science!

I really didn't mean to, but I pretty much went a whole year before posting here again. Ah well. I've been... busy. This image captures the latest in my Very Busy Year. Lee and I occasionally (playfully) recreate this scene. I cry about the work I have to do, and he says, "There's no crying in science!" and I go back in my cave... i.e., the lab/my office/the bench.