Wednesday, January 19, 2005

which describes how you're feeling all the time...

All right.. a January 2005 post! Akemashita omedetou!
This is a good sign. Once again, spurred on by Amy's encouragement, I write. Really, by her inspiration, as usual. I'm going to have to get some pictures posted soon. Let's see, what is new...
Last month, I went with Lee and his parents and brother to Belize. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, really. I tried SCUBA. Which, if you recall, stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. It's something that is so wonderful and exciting to do, I would encourage anyone physically capable, to try it. But keep in mind, once you try it, you may find yourself making plans to become a certified diver. And then, all of your vacations will become tropical ones (around the 18 degree latitude). At least, that's what's happened to me and Lee. We want to be divers! It reminded me of my childhood love of the ocean. If it's possible that something like that can be passed down through the generations, then I can say I inherited it from both my grandparents in Japan and in Texas.
This year will be an interesting year. Also planned for the near future, is the adoption of a couple of dachshund pups (hopefully).
Then the GRE, and then applications to grad schools. And then Lee is also wanting a career change, not to mention his pursuit of a Master's in Aviation Science.
2005... here's to the New Year.